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We are glad to receive the contributions of all supporters of our cause:
Bankaccount: ERSTE 11600006-00000000-81983755
Adószám: 18405857-1-05
As a healthy person it is hard to imagine how those might live who were not given this opportunity by nature. Most of the time we do not even notice that everything is alright, maybe only in retrospect. We, healthy people can do something to help our not so lucky fellows live in better conditions. Furthermore, we can do this in a way that does not cost us anything. When doing their annual declaration one can offer 1% of their income tax to a non-governmental organization.This could be for example a foundation that works for people or animals in need. These two groups are the ones that need the support of benevolent people the most.
The Miskolc Autism Foundation is dedicated to the support and rehabilitation of people living with autism.
There are about 25 thousand registered people living with autism, but according to some estimates their number could reach 100 thousand.
The aim of the foundation’s activities is to provide the best possible living circumstances for children and adults suffering from this nerve-development disorder, and to help them reintegrate into society. The Foundation has a number of services to make the everyday lives of people living with autism better. In the Foundation’s Daycare Home 15 people living with mental disabilities are provided for during the day and are given meals. In the Family Home people living with mental disabilities are given the opportunity to set up their residence and have holistic service. Additionally, a development center is operated where professionals using different therapeutic methods – eg. animal or music therapy - provide development and help to live a full life and have work.
If you like to help our cause, you can do this even without chipping off the family budget to do charitable actions. If you declare offering your 1% in your personal income tax form for the Miskolc Autism Foundation, you donate an amount that you would not have received anyway. You can offer your 1% downloading the declaration form from our page: download it, print it and attach it to your income tax declaration. You can always follow the work of the foundation at to make sure that your donation goes to the right place.